If you go looking for a myspace page and its not there - or even worse your OWN myspace page can no longer be found, here's a note from myspace:
The link you are trying to visit has been disabled.
You have reached a link that is no longer in service. That means the link was very naughty, and, much like head lice, had to be eliminated before it spread.
You may be asking yourself, "Hey, what was it about that link that got it in trouble?" An excellent question! Usually, it's one of the following reasons:
- The link was spam! No one likes spammers, and we don't like their links.
- You almost got phished! There are people out there who want to steal your MySpace password. They want to log in as you and send spam, harass your friends, change your profile, and generally run amok. Phishing pages are usually designed to look like MySpace to trick you. Other sites may also ask for your MySpace login information to customize your profile, insert videos or slide shows, track visitors, or any number of other things. Don't make it easy for them. ONLY USE YOUR MYSPACE LOGIN INFO ON WWW.MYSPACE.COM!!
- Viruses are not fun! Neither is adware, spyware, or malware. We cut the links to places that are known sources of infection.
If you really did want to check out some spam, viruses, or phishing pages, we're really sorry to have interrupted. We're sure you can find it elsewhere. There's plenty on the Internet
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9 years ago
Please help me
I can still see my page in the profile. It is the nice colorful page that is missing. I have not done anything wrong. Can you help me get my layot back. When I go to the my profile pic it goes to a blank screen with some writing at the top
First of all your comment is labeled "anonymous" so there isn't a way for me to know specifically who you are, let alone know what your myspace url is.
Do you have at least a backup copy of the layout that you used? Do you remember where you got your layout?
Have you done any recent editing to your myspace page?
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